Friday, 29 October 2010

I would like to wish a vastly happy (belated) birthday to one of my favorite poets in the world, and one of the few whom I have had the pleasure of meeting. Happy birthday as of yesterday to Mr. Ian Hamilton Findlay!

It's unlikely you know who he is; I highly suggest you look for his work next time you find yourself in a library.

"You have to understand that I consider myself a very modest artist, or whatever, and not of importance really at all - it is quite embarrassing to me to be asked my opinion about things. I am only a wee Scottish poet on the outside of everything. "
He's a gardener and sculptor, too, aww yeh.


  1. Ian Hamilton Finlay
    He's got some really deep quotes

  2. You're right, I've never heard of the guy. What struck me immediately was him looking kind of like an older version of Doctor Alan Grant. :') Based on that alone, I'll check out some of his work.

  3. happy bithday from me too :D
